Student Visa
Living in USA:

If you camp or stay in hostels, catch buses and self-cater, you could feasibly explore the country on around US$50 a day. Staying in motels and eating at modest cafes will mean you'll hit the US$100 mark, and enjoying the convenience of a rental car will push your daily budget up to US$150. If you want to do the US in style, welcome to the world of credit and consumerism.

You'll save yourself hassle and expense if your traveler's checks are in US dollars. Restaurants, hotels and most stores accept US dollar traveler's checks as if they were cash. Major credit cards are widely accepted; you'll find it hard to perform certain transactions (such as renting a car or reserving tickets over the phone) without one. You may also be able to access your bank account using US ATMs.

The US Monetary System is a decimal system, with one dollar equal to one hundred cents. One dollar is written as $1 or $1.00. One cent is written as 1¢. One dollar and twenty-five cents would be written as $1.25

Unlike other countries, the United States does not provide socialized medicine. Because medical care can be very expensive, it is important to have health insurance, even if the school does not require it.

Costs & Expenses:
Tuition fees
US $ 
High School
7,000 - 35,000 per year
Undergraduate (State University)
9,000 - 12,000 per year
Undergraduate (Private University)
12,000 - 25,000 per year
Post Graduate (State University)
9,000 - 12,000 per year
Post Graduate (Private University)
12,000 - 25,000 per year
Living cost & expenses
US $ 
300 - 600 per month
3,000 - 7,200 per year
3,600 - 12,000 per year
Note: Prices can vary greatly according to location.
Total cost & expenses 
US $ 
High School
18,700 - 50,000 per year
Undergraduate (State University)
17,500 - 26,800 per year
Undergraduate (Private University)
23,700 - 44,000 per year
Graduate (State University)
15,500 - 22,800 per year
Graduate (Private University) 23,700 - 44,000 per year
About USA:

The land and people of the U.S.A. are incredibly varied. Wherever you choose to study, you will encounter a regional culture rich in history, local traditions and customs. The U.S.A. is a multiracial society that is still absorbing new immigrants. While students must exercise caution in a few locations, in much of the U.S.A., street and university campuses are clean and safe.

Climate varies considerably across the United States. You will probably need an umbrella, even in Las Vegas or Los Angeles. In the northern cities, such as Boston, Chicago, Pittsburgh, New York, Seattle, Washington, Denver, and Minneapolis you will need cold weather and snow gear.

When you arrive in the US, you will have to go through Customs and Immigration. They will ask you questions about your reason for visiting the US. Your answer should be "Student". Keep your answers simple and direct.

The United States still uses the English system of weights and measures. The metric system is available, but people think quarts and inches, not liters and centimeters.

Test requirements:
This section provides information about
  • GMAT
  • GRE
  • SAT
  • TSE
We are delighted that you are interested in studying in the United States, and we hope that you will be able to do so. Here is some information about student visa.
-1, or Student Visa: This visa is the most common for those who wish to engage in academic studies in the United States. It is for people who want to study at an accredited U.S. college or university or to study English at a university or intensive English language institute.
Students are encouraged to apply for their visa early to provide ample time for visa processing. Students may apply for their visa as soon as they are prepared to do so.
The consular officer may need to get special clearances depending on the course of study and nationality of the student. This can take some additional time. For more information on applicants who may have additional processing requirements see

Universities in USA
  • University of California, Long Beach (UCLB)
  • University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
  • University of California, San Diego (UCSD)
  • University of Southem California (USC)
  • University of California, Riverside
  • California State University, Chico
  • California State University, Northridge
  • San Diego Sate University (SDSU)
    • Others:
  • Golden gate University,
  • University of Findlay
  • Art Institutes
Education System:

Most American attend twelve years of primary and secondary school. With a secondary school ("high school") diploma or certificate, a student can enter colleges, university, vocational (job training) school, secretarial school, and other professional schools.
After finishing high school (twelfth grade), U.S. students may go to college or university. College or university study is known as "higher education."
Study at a college or university leading to Bachelor's Degree is known as "undergraduate" education. Study beyond the Bachelor's Degree is know as "Graduate" school, or "postgraduate" education. Advanced or graduate degrees include law, medicine, the M.B.A., and the Ph.D. (doctorate).

Working in USA:
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Do not count on being able to scrape up the funding after you arrive in the US. Getting a job is not an effective means of financing an education in the US. There are many restrictions on employment by foreign nationals, and some types of visas prohibit it totally. Most international students are limited to on-campus employment

If you are studying on an F-1 visa, you may not accept off-campus employment during the first year of study. You may, however, take an on-campus job to fund the bills. You are limited to 20 hours a week while school is in session, provided that you do not displace a US resident.
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