Student Visa
Living in UK

UK towns and cities have long experience of providing homes for students and there are many affordable, comfortable and safe places to live.

Contemporary UK cooking offers a mouth-watering variety of foods, drawing on e menu of international styles and culinary traditions. British cuisine has changed drastically the past few decades. Chinese, Indian, Italian and French cuisine is now as popular in the UK as the typical culinary traditions of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

As an international student, you, your spouse and any children who accompany you to the UK as your dependents, may be entitled to free or subsidised treatment under the UK's National Health Service (NHS).

The UK is truly a hub of the global community with many air, sea, road and rail links connecting it to every country in the world. Flights from all the major cities in the world arrive at one or more UK airports every day.

Costs & Expenses:
Course Fees
Pound Sterling 
Junior High School
6,500 - 7,000 per year
High Schools
7,000 - 7,500 per year
Undergraduate (Art)
6,000 - 7,000 per year
Undergraduate (Science)
14,000 - 15,000 per year
Postgraduate (Art)
8,000 - 10,000 per year
Postgraduate (Science)
6,000 - 7,000 per year
Living expenses
Pound Sterling 
$ 250 -$ 700 per month (shared apartment)
Dormitory (single w/o meal) 100 - 130 per week
Dormitory (shared w/o meal)  70 - 100 per week
Dormitory (shared with meals)  100 - 120 per week
Apartment (without meal) 120 - 200 per week
Total expenses (excluding course fees)
Pound Sterling
Other city in UK
North Ireland
About UK:

The UK is made up of 3 different countries and a province: England, Scotland, Wales and the province of Northern Ireland. These countries all have very different characters and identities.

UK scientists and institutions have won almost 100 Nobel Prizes for their scientific achievements. The UK's creative brains 'artists, fashion designers, film and T.V stars, and leisure software designers' are regarded as among the best in the world.

Meals and diet in the UK tend to vary to reflect the changing seasons of the year. For example, in the winter, stews, casseroles and roasts tend to be popular, while, in the summer, salads and lighter meals are eaten regularly. Supermarket chains import many foods, so they are able to stock vegetables, salads and fruits throughout the year

You will need to have a valid passport and a visa in order to enter United Kingdom. Since it can take several months to obtain a passport and all the documentation, start the process as soon as you can.

Student visas can be obtained from the offices of the British High Commission in Delhi and the British Deputy High Commissions in Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata. Students need to prove that they have an unconditional offer on a full time course, proof of accommodation, sufficient funds to cover the entire cost of studying and living in Britain and that they intend to return home on completion of their course.
Universities in UK:
  • University of suderland (London International Collage)
  • University of hertfordshire (Britania collage of Excellance)
  • University of Wales
  • University of Bradford
  • The University of Leeds
  • University of Northumbria at Newcastle
  • Oxford Brookes University
  • University of Portsmouth
  • University of Wales, Cardiff
  • Institute of Cardiff
  • The University of York
London International Collage (University of Suderland) course details:
Diploma Courses
Diploma in Business Studies
Diploma in Marketing
Diploma in Finance and Accounting
Diploma in Information Technology
Diploma in Hospitality Management
Higher Diploma Courses UK Pound
Higher Diploma in Business Studies
Higher Diploma in Marketing
Higher Diploma in Finance and Accounting
Higher Diploma in Information Technology
Bachelor of Art/Management
(University of Sunderland)
Post Graduate Diploma in
Management Studies
University of Sunderland
University of Wales

Application Fees

Education System:

Education in the United Kingdom (UK) is compulsory for everyone between the ages of five to sixteen. This is the absolute minimum length of time that students attend educational establishments. Increasingly, children attend nursery schools at the age of three or four, and more Britons every year are staying in education after the age of sixteen. Educational institutions are expanding fast to meet the increased demands.
International students are welcome in all four parts of the UK: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Each of the four countries has broadly the same structure of education, and broadly the same sort of educational institutions. In Scotland, however, the system differs from the rest of the UK in a few significant respects.

Working in UK:
Working While Studying:
The Rules state that applicants must be able to support themselves and any dependants without working. This means that while there is provision for students to take employment during vacations or spare time, no account may be taken of any prospective earnings from that employment in assessing the ability of a student to meet the maintenance requirement, except where the educational establishment at which the student has a place:
Student Working Regulation
Students studying at UK institutions may take part-time or vacation work without needing to obtain permission from the local job centre. Similarly, they are able to do work placements which are part of a course or to undertake internship placements without the need to obtain permission from Work Permits (UK)
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